GBP/GMB - Google Business Profile/Google My Business Optimization Service Package
Package includes:
- Weekly Postings (Ads)
- Description
- Q&A
- Photos
- Offers
- Service Listings
- Service Area Mgmt
Normal price is $1,200.00/year.

Some restrictions and requirements apply. All services at our discretion.
Note you must be able to provide access to existing GMB account and/or add us as a Manager.
Recent New Google My Business Features
Short Name Profile
You can now claim a short name for your businesses! Claim from the GMB dashboard.
Logos Displaying More Prominently
Listings that include core information (such as opening times and phone numbers) will now show the business’s logo in the top right of the profile.
Cover Photos
GMB users can now easily control the main image that appears in the listing. In the past random images could display instead of your cover photo. This new feature should make it easier for businesses to control which image shows in local results for branding and image.
Photo Display Module
This module will show images uploaded by the business prominently. This helps overcome the random and sometimes inappropriate Google User image uploads. While you may flag for removal, the process can be slow. Meanwhile your image is being damaged. Photo captions are supposed to be in the works.
Welcome Offers
Incentive for those that FOLLOW your GMB profile. Welcome offers will allow businesses to share offers with new customers. Once a consumer follows the business, they can receive automatic offers that get saved in the Offers Folder.
GMB Posts ‘Related to Your Search’
- February 2019 snippets of Google Posts started being pulled into the 3-pack and into the Local Finder.
- March 2019 Google moved offers posts into the overview tab
- June 2019, Google showing posts in the local finder in a section labeled ‘Related to Your Search’.